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Crea portadas para libros increíbles en 3 minutos con Ideogram 1.0 GRATIS 📘🎨


 En este video usaremos Ideogram 1.0 es la nueva actualización de Ideogram AI el modelo de conversión de texto a imagen más avanzado hasta la fecha para crear portadas para libros con texto legible en cuestión de minutos y GRATIS

✅PROMPTS USADO EN EL TUTORIAL 1-Create a romantic and inviting book cover for a travel guide to paris.The main focus should be the iconic Eiffel Tower,depicted in a warm,sunset ambiance.Around the toer,add subtle,dreamy elements that evoke romance,such as soft glowing lights,gentle swiris of pastel colors in the sky,and couple holding hands in the foreground,but their details are silhouetted to keep them anonymous and relatable.The title of the book.'París Destino de Amor' stylishly written great font a subtitle a 'Guía romántica de París',should be prominently featured in The cover exudes an atmosphere of enchantment and possibility, promising readers an unforgettable journey through the most romantic city in the world. 2-Design a vibrant cover for 'Recetas de Comidas Peruanas' with a feast of Peruvian food dishes spread in a rustic atmosphere. Images of wooden tables with dishes of Peruvian food, potatoes and aromatic herbs with a clear blue sky in the background ensure that the title is in a warm and earthy font with 'más de 100 recetas' displayed prominently at the bottom in a full style at top to author's name 'Jonathan Canales' 3-Create an attractive and lively cover with the title 'dog coloring book' written by 'Jonathan Canales'. The centerpiece of the design should be one,Beautifully illustrated dog that exudes charm and personality. Opt for a breed.which is well-liked and visually attractive like a beagle or a cocker spaniel, depicted in a playful posture.The dog should be illustrated with light, attractive colors, showing details such as He has a patterned coat, expressive eyes, and a cheerful expression.around the dog, include an explosion of colorful, abstract shapes or a floral motif pattern to give a cheerful look 4-Visualize a book cover that embodies the cutting-edge world of artificial intelligence tools, authored by 'Jonathan Canales'. In the foreground, a sleek, futuristic robot hand reaches out, its metallic fingers delicately manipulating lines of code or data points, symbolizing the precision and innovation inherent in AI technology. Behind the hand, a digital landscape unfolds,with streams of binary code cascading like waterfalls and circuits glowing with vibrant energy. Overlaying this digital vista is a human eye, representing the human element guiding and harnessing the potential of AI. The cover design, featuring the author's name prominently alongside the title 'El poder de la IA', exudes a sense of curiosity, dynamism, and the limitless possibilities offered by artificial intelligence tools in shaping our future ☑️👉 ACCESO A IDEOGRAM AI

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